
أسعار حشو الاسنان

الحشو الكومبوزيت : من 600ج لـ 700 ج
2. الحشو الزجاجي :من 600ج لـ 700ج
3. الحشو السيراميك : بـ 1750ج

Learn more about “Tooth Filling”

Dental fillings are used to replace the missing parts of the tooth.

  1. Composite Amalgam
  2. Optical or cosmetic fillings: This gives a natural shape with the same color and shape as the tooth, and it is used to treat minor fractures in the teeth, not just the tooth decay “Glass ionomer” or as it called the glass filling, and this is excellent in cases where the decay is between the roots or under the mouth gum.
  3. Platinum fillings: This is the oldest type of fillings and it became nearly rare nowadays.

At “ White and Bright”, we always provide the best types of American and German fillings that give the best shape and quality.

أسعار حشو العصب

حشو عصب في جلسة واحده
من 950 ج لـ 1200 ج
حسب نوع الحشو

Learn more about “Nerve Filling”

A damaged tooth nerve is the severest tooth pain ever. In this case, the nerve has to be removed to get rid of the pain. This process was extremely painful in the past, but now, thanks to modern devices and anesthetics, it became a way more simple process that can be done in just one session and without pain at all!

We use devices like

  1. The apex locator: This device determines the length of the root precisely, reduces x-ray usage, and ensures total removal of the nerve.
  2. Followed by the cleaning process using the rotary instrument, which helps to finish in a short time with great accuracy.
  3. Followed by nerve filling using Obtura: This leads us to what is called 3D Obturation, which ensures delivery of the filling to all parts of the root. All of that happens in just one visit and without any pain.

أسعار الدعامة

دعامة معدنية-او-فايبر للأسنان

من 550ج  لـ 800ج

معدنية / فايبر

Learn more about “Metal Post/Fiber Post/Filling”

To finish the tooth treatment after treating the nerve, we need to make braces and filling for the tooth to be returned to its natural shape.

There are two types of posts:

  1. Metal Post
  2. Fiber Post

 The fiber post is characterized by two points First, it sticks to the tooth components chemically, which makes it one unit with the tooth. Second, unlike the metal post, it does not cause fractures or cracks in the roots. 

أسعار الخلع الجراحي

جراحة الوجه و الفكين

من 700 ج لـ 2000ج

حسب الحالة الطبية

Learn more about “Face and Jaws surgery”

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the extraction of buried wisdom teeth and removing fatty cysts by the specialized surgical team.

In addition to the treatment of a gummy smile by using Botox in a simple surgery that is performed to make the part of the gum less at during smiling, hence its appearance returns to its normal.

You may feel intimated with its name, but it is much easier than that, and of course, determining the time of the treatment session will not be accurate at all, because each case is different from the other.

أسعار التركيبات المتحركة

اسعار التركيبات المتحركة و أنواعها

من250 ج لـ 5,000 ج

للسنة الواحدة

Learn more about Mobile Dentures

In some cases where teeth implant isn’t possible (due to its high cost or because of the patient’s case), the mobile denture is made to replace missing teeth. When the patient misses their teeth for a long time, the bones that support the cheeks and lips begin to erode, and this is what gives the old age look. The advantage of mobile teeth is that they do not require surgery, and you can return the shape of the lips and cheeks to their natural shape, regardless of the period that lasted, or the bones lost.

If the denture is the last option, that doesn’t mean it will be a bad choice, because, at White and Bright, we have specialized dentists that work only on dentures.

أسعار علاج اللثة و إزالة الجير

صورة توضيحية لكيفية علاج اللثة و إزالة الجير
من 250 ج لـ 1000ج

حسب الحالة

Learn more about علاج اللثة و إزالة الجير

Once the plaque layer is deposited and transformed into dental tartar, gum problems start to appear in the form of bleeding gums and halitosis, by time and without removing the dental plaque, the inflammation reaches the bones of the jaw and the teeth begin to falter.

Unfortunately, the continuous cleaning of the teeth with only brush and paste is not enough to remove the tartar, as removing the tartar requires a periodic visit to the dentist because the toothbrush cannot reach every cavity of the teeth. So, the only solution is a regular visit to the dentist to avoid serious consequences.

The most important problems treated by removing the tartar


  • Gummy smile treatment
  • Receding gum treatment
  • Black gum laser treatment.


Note: Gum whitening is done in one session using a laser without surgery.

أسعار تبييض الأسنان

تبيض الاسنان بستخدام احدث الاجهزة

5750 ج لجهاز الزووم /3500 ج لجهاز وايت سمايل / 2000ج تبييض كميائي

“للجلسة الواحدة”

Learn more about Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is always a people’s demand, a white and beautiful smile gives you self-confidence.

Teeth whitening is done through one session (45-min) on the American ZOOM whitening device, and the teeth become lighter by 6 to 8 times, and the results can be noticed on the same day.

For the best results, we recommend removing the tartar before whitening.

There are other devices like “the white smile” device, although its results are less than the zoom one, it is characterized by causing zero sensitivity after the whitening process.

The second type is chemical whitening, and this takes place also during one session (45 minutes), but its whitening degree is less than the zoom type. The last type is home bleaching, and in most cases, it is used as a supplement to the previous types.

أسعار تقويم الأسنان

أنواع تقويم الاسنان و اسعاره

من3000 ج لـ 24,000 ج

حسب الحالة / نوع التقويم المستخدم

Learn more about Dental Braces

Dental Braces: It is a device that is designed to reposition teeth on each other or to solve the prognathism problem (protruding jaws), and in fact, any dentist can install braces and get a good result, but most dentists recommend the early installation for faster and better results.

The most suitable time to install braces is (from 8 years to 14 years).

Types of dental braces: There are many types of braces, such as; traditional, ceramic, internal, and transparent. The difference is not in the result as much as in price and shape. The cheapest of them is the traditional braces, and the most expensive one is the internal. There are many colors as well.

The only one that can tell you what is the most suitable braces type for your condition is your specialized dentist.

متوسط أسعار زراعة الأسنان

اسعار زراعة الاسنان في مصر

5600 ج كوري / 8000ج أمريكي /8000 ج ألماني

Learn more about Teeth Implant

It is known that teeth implants can treat the problems of missing teeth without having to file the teeth adjacent to them to make fixed dentures, and now they solve most of the problems that once forced us to make mobile dentures.

We were not able to do teeth implants before in most cases because of the small size of the jawbones, but now there are solutions due to the new techniques in bone implants. 

In the first session, the implant is done, and if the bone was of high quality, the crown can be done right away in the next session. 

Note: In most cases, we have to wait from 4 to 6 months for the bone to be formed.

متوسط أسعار تاج / أو طربوش الاسنان

صورة توضيحية لتركيبات الاسنان الثابتة

1350 ج بورسلين / ايماكس 2500 ج / زركون 1350 ج

Learn more about Fixed Dentures

Whether the dentures are fixed or mobile, both have the same function; to replace the place of a tooth. But each one has a use.

Fixed Dentures: Uses the teeth next to the missing tooth as a support for the prosthesis in order to be fixed in the bone and avoid a deposition.

Mobile dentures: very easy to get into and out of the mouth, but difficult to settle, it is useful to be washed and returned to the mouth again, you will often find them with the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

The advantage of mobile dentures is that they improve the overall appearance of the mouth because fixed dentures must be designed to fit into the bone without changing the overall shape. Also, it improves speech, since pronunciation depends on the tongue, vocal cords, and teeth.

The fixed dentures will compensate for the loss of teeth, and thus the way of speaking will be modified again. If there are missing teeth, the chewing process will not happen completely naturally, so the place of the tooth is better replaced by fixed dentures.

أسعار حشو الاسنان اللبنية

عيادة اسنان متخصصة في التعامل مع الاطفال

من650 ج لـ 800ج

للسنة الواحدة

Learn more about Pediatric Dentistry

The dental clinic may be an uncomfortable place for many people, most of whom have been exposed to previous experiences, especially when they were children. That is why treating children should be a well-thought-out experience, in which the child is comfortable when he goes to the dentist because this is the place that will relieve pain, not cause him pain.

At “White and Bright” we have dentists who are able to make the dentist’s visit an enjoyable experience for the child, from the anesthetic process to the placement of the filling, in addition to a small gift. Also, the dentist puts a layer of fluoride and a layer of pits and fissure sealant on the kids’ teeth, which prevent future decay.

احجز الكشف أونلاين

تقدر تحجز كشف منزلي من على الموقع و هنأكد عليك معاد الحجز خلال 24 ساعة
سعر الكشف المنزلي 300 ج